ExeBiblio: Book Writing

Want to write a book and don’t know were to start?
We’ve been there, so we made ExeBiblio.
Read about it here, think about it for a bit, and then talk to us to make your book writing dream come true.

Helping you to write the book you always wanted to write

Many people want to (and perhaps need to) share their knowledge, ideas, and experiences by writing a book. The struggle for most is how and where to start! ExeBiblio is here to help you find and start writing the book that we know is in you.

ExeBiblio is a writing programme aimed at supporting academic and/or professional services staff in higher education to write books. Along the way, you also get an increased understanding of the publication process, helping you to feel more confident when engaging with publishers.

You get to write the book you always wanted to write.
We get to see you become published authors.  


ExeBiblio is delivered in three parts

1. Book Discovery

We start by helping you identify the topic and audience. Through guided activities you will identify the core audience and the broader audience for your book. After all, that is what publishers want to know: who is your audience and is it large enough to make it worthwhile for them.

The result of this workshop is a synopsis of the book you can write, and a profile of the audiences who will be interested in reading it.

We can then hold a symposium where we invite two or three publishing houses (e.g. Routledge, Sage, University Presses) to give talks and answer your questions around the publication process.

2. Proposal Support

Once you have discovered your book, we provide workshops to help you prepare initial draft proposals to commissioning editors from publishing houses ahead of your meetings with them. We mentor you through that first meeting with them, and then help you finalise your proposal for submission. 

3. Protected Writing Time

Then you start writing! At this stage, we arrange structured writing time for you, including a set of specific, realistic writing goals and the uninterrupted time to make progress on achieving them. We support meaningful progress in book-writing and the creation of a peer mentoring network for this purpose. We can build capacity at your institution so that you can sustain the peer network longer-term, facilitating book completion in a supportive community of practice.

Writing a book is a marathon not a sprint. ExeBiblio provides ongoing support and develops a sustainable peer support network for writers. We encourage collaborative writing, and can provide additional workshops to enable that to happen.

Which Services Should I Choose?

You can access ExeBiblio either as the individual components listed above, or as a complete package.

By choosing the full package you will get more thorough support to ensure that your book project gets started and gets finished.

Case study

Read our blog about one of the first full package ExeBiblio interventions we ran. This resulted in book contracts and completed manuscripts for over half of those who took part.

  • ExeBiblio – a writing intervention

    ExeBiblio - a writing intervention

    August 2022, Sawsan Khuri and Tamsin Kilner.

    Think you might/should/could maybe one day write a book?  
    Intimidated by the publishing process?
    Feel you could write the book on writer’s block?

    We did, and here is what we did about it.

    Read more

Our clients say

“Discover Your Book was amazing. As a scientist I was sceptical about creativity, but this really worked” – Participant, Exeter (now almost done with her first draft)

“Craft Your Proposal really helped me understand what publishers are looking for.” – Participant, Exeter (now with a book contract from a global academic publisher)

“This was so helpful and very well run. I learned a lot and writing my book seems possible now” – Participant, Aberystwyth (now approaching publishers)

Talk to us

. . . about timelines, costs, and how we might make ExeBiblio work for you and your institution. Email us today.

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