A multi-sector generative conversation around market based approached to funding peatland restoration, hosted by the Great North Bog initiative and delivered with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Fast Track Impact and Finance Earth.
The Great North Bog (GNB) is an ambitious, grand-scale peatland restoration initiative developed by six regional partnerships. It is a landscape-scale approach to upland peatland restoration and conservation across nearly 7000 square kilometres of peatland soils in the Protected Landscapes of northern England, currently storing 400 million tonnes of carbon. A recent review on the Ecosystem Services of Peatland Restoration completed by the University of Manchester included a summary of the possible frameworks for market-based approaches to attract private sector funding for peatlands. The review highlights several case studies showing investment into peatland restoration via private companies, and potential approaches for landowners and project developers.
Over 50 participants engaged in an online discussion around which of these models might work best for the region. The event started with an introduction to the topic and a no-nonsense explanation of the models. We then continued to a pros and cons assessment of each of them from the perspectives of the wide-ranging participants. We gained deep insights into the longevity of some of these ideas, people’s hesitance around them, and the need for clarity and transparency in these ventures.
“Excellent facilitation – nothing more need be said” – Rich Fitton, Finance Earth
“You hold the space so well, both in person and online” – Prof Mark Reed, Fast Track Impact
“Great working with you, everything went smoothly” – Matthew Snelling, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust